Monday, January 19, 2009

Feeling Out of Touch

So today, aside from being MLK Jr. day, was apparently a service day. Typically, I am so aware of what is going on, but today I totally missed the boat. I was laying in bed, having slept in until 8 (you know you are a teacher when...), watching the news and countdown to the inauguration. All of the news channels were discussing Obama and family and their service activities. Then when I was at the grocery store, a group of girls was collecting cans for the food bank. How could I have missed this whole thing? What rock have I been under? So now I am trying to come up with a service project. Any ideas?


  1. I was having the same issue. I completely missed the boat.

  2. I guess I was under the same rock. Lunch soon. I'll come down whenever you guys have a day free.
